March Announcements 2025

March Announcements 2025

Happy March Curlfriend!

How you holding up? Look I know things are.....uncomfortable but you have to stay focussed on what you can do. You are going to have to set some boundaries....with you. I've had this conversation with other curlfriends several times in the last couple of weeks. Stay informed yes, do not bathe in repetitive toxic information. Finding the proverbial "line" for yourself is a great self care activity! How much news is enough news for you?

What else can I do?

Well I'm so glad you asked my kinky little friend!

  1. Smooth out your thoughts and slip back into your own lane. Instead of looking at others thinking "I can't beleive you would do, say feel that way" think to yourself what can I do to NEVER EVER be that person. Humble yourself and remember that we've all mis-spoken or believed something that wasn't true but we couldn't or WOULDN'T see it. That is where that person is so...
  2. Do not engage. Stop waisting time and energy on people you will legit never meet in life or that are stuck in that reality. Fact: Those people exist, they have always existed and they will always exist. They are a distraction, focus, your time here is valuable. We've all met that one tired old lady who doesn't say much but always knows what to do. We need to become her right now. Don't speak just act in alignment with what you believe.
  3. Get a hobby or two. Find something that brings you joy or that is legit helpful to the community and do it as much as you can. Put your phone in a different room so you don't default to doom scrolling in your down time. I have decided to buckle down on my finances since the economy is such a hot topic. There is a lot of information being pumped into our feeds about money and I feel like it's a great time to learn. Disclaimer: For some that might not be a good idea as far as your mental health. The only place for me to really go financially is up know perspective is important. Refer back to #1. I'm also focussing on what's happening locally instead of federally, I will deal with DC through WA's filter. Don't forget about HB1874. There is also a new law in WA on toxic cosmetics that you may want to concern yourself about. 

Ok speaking of being distracted let's get back on track.

We're going to continue with our physical self care theme and move on to nails. This is the third and final leg of the integumentary system (in my opinion). 

Your nails serve many purposes including sending you messages about your health just as your hair and skin do. It's important to remember that nail appearance is also unique to you just like your hair and skin. You may have thin nails that grow very long while your sister has thicker nails that break very easily. This is why knowing YOUR normal is important. 

If you have a change in your nails, check with yourself first. Have you had surgery, a change in diet, an increase in stress are you possibly peri-menopausal? Next, if you are able, ask the women genetically closest to you if they have experienced this same type of change. 

Many people do not notice changes in their nails because of wearing nail enhancements. While nail enhancements are a great way to express your personal sense of style they can be damaging especially when not done with care. They also prevent you from receiving those messages that your body is trying to send you. I know you don't want to hear it but ultimately short naked nails are best. 

That being said...

Natural nail services are back on the menu! I started with pedicures because, most of MY people value this service more than having their fingernails done. Shout out to my garden curlies. I will eventually be doing natural nail manicures, the hold up is deciding whether I want to offer gel polish or not.

Gel polish can be damaging also the general public's expectation surrounding how the service should happen is problematic. It's like trying to feed someone gourmet food that has only ever eaten at Burger King. It's not you I'm worried about it's them. Fast food nail joints have ruined what could have been a great service and by ruined I mean devalued it in such a way that I don't know if it's worth it to try and offer the service at a realistic price. 

Gel polish on toenails is also a hard no for me. The premise behind gel on toes is to hurry up and get the client out the door and the next client in the chair. Well the problem is I am trying to get my client's to relax. I'm not trying to hurry anyone, as matter of fact I want you to stay longer. Have a hair wash and a facial with your pedicure, let's hang out for a while. Toenail polish lasts forever, that's because toenails are thicker than fingernails they also take longer to grow. Yes the client can put their shoes on immediately but they can also put on some sandals. Why can't we wait for ANYTHING. Sit down, pet a puppy & sip some wine while your freaking toes dry! 

Let's get it together, together.

In 2020 I got sucked into the planner community via The Happy Planner. Confession: I am a willing participant in this brand of crazy. I spent way more money on stickers than I should have but I also had a friend that helped me with my finances and gave me the knowledge to get myself out of debt. They also held me accountable so I got my sticker habit in check. I just didn't want to confess how much I was spending. That's how you know, you know?

I want to share that knowledge as well as my love for planners so I'm hosting our first planner club meeting on March 30th. I designed a planner for people like myself who work for themselves but I think it is a tool that anyone who is looking for work/life balance could appreciate. Click here to save your spot.

You can get a ticket that will include the spring planner I designed, you can get a ticket and bring your own planner if you've already got one or you can participate virtually and receive a digital download of the spring planner. Either way I hope you will join us.

In the spirit of all this planning I have also added an events section to the bottom of the home page. You can subscribe to this calendar so you always know what's happening. My goal is share events happening at the salon and around town that I think you will find interesting and fun.

Ok curly that's all for this time. I will be back in bit to check on you and remind you about planner club. Don't forget to do the things for HB1874 and check out the page about new laws on toxic cosmetics. I will see you soon. Take care of yourself.

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